he German executive boards feel safe.
In no other country is there less security for management levels than in Germany. The German leadership elite has an insanely large appetite for risk.

But what if the big bang come again, if managers are kidnapped to blackmail political targets, if kidnappings for ransoms take place again, if threatened family members are used to settle financial interests, if there is an increase in workplace violence or if there are single shooter attacks or knife attacks in the companies in Germany?
What now? Then our CEOs and CFOs stand there and try to save the shambles that they brought us with endles cost cutting programs.

„The physical security of our employees and our asstets, is the most important factor in our company, we will do everything to ensure that our employees are safe at all times and everywhere…“

The Executive Management level of the top German companies has done everything they can, to kill physical security by cost cutting over the last 15 years.
They have exposed their own employees to unnecessary risks and thus also their families. They treated the topic of travel security for all employees criminally (employer’s duty of care), they saved on security, safety and first aid at every event (but at the same time increased the buffet). Every cent was counted twice when it came to investments in physical security (although the topic of cyber security was pushed to the limit. Every child knows that both topics are interdependent and that there can only be one holistic approach to security , although both areas are treated equally) and much more.

When will management levels stop thinking like machines and start thinking about people again? Not everything can be managed with algorithms. Not everything is ones and zeros, NO, there is also flesh and blood, people and their families, these are not numbers, but living beings with feelings and fears.

Quote Simon Sinek: „Great leaders are willing to sacrifice the numbers to save the people. Poor leaders sacrifice the people to save the numbers.“

Alleviate risk appetite and show humanity again. When disaster strikes and we are in a situation where people have been injured, it will be too late. No profit can make up for that and the psychological and mental strain on the management level should not be underestimated. 

(c) GT

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