s a bodyguard, it happens again and again that you get assignments from celebrities who are highly regarded and sometimes also revered, but are only human.

The VIP received an invitation to the season opening of a Bundesliga soccer club and the personal protection specialist was responsible for implementing all jointly planned security measures.

They met at the hotel the evening before and discussed the process. The atmosphere was relaxed, they got along well and off they went.

The next day, however, the executive protection specialist noticed that his protectee seemed not feeling well, maybe about the upcoming event.

A look from the driver, who rolled his eyes in despair, told me:

Something is wrong here!

As the bodyguard opened the door of the vehicle, he tried to resist the urge to roll his eyes too: for a split second he wondered if he had opened the door to a station toilet, but then he heard apologetic words from the popular and well-known show masters from Germany: „My stomach. – I’m sorry. – I have a small problem. I have a bit of flatulence.” He looked at the bodyguard with an embarrassed look.

No smelling and through, he thought to himself, even if they are close together all day because of the many people. But there are worse things and they are professionals after all. He could say the same about the show master. He lived up to his title and handled the event like a pro, whether on stage or among the crowd. He gave no sign. The bodyguard only knew one thing, if he gently touched his arm, it was time again: he had to let off steam.

Luckily he felt better towards the end of the event with the help of lots of tea and was able to start the return journey the next day with his usual strength.

And the moral of the story: celebrities have to let off steam too, don’t they…

(c) TG

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